When it comes to your bike, several insurance policies may be beneficial and cover you if you are involved in an accident while riding. In many cases, if you are involved in an accident involving an insured driver, the other driver’s auto liability insurance will cover personal injury up to their coverage limit. Additionally, your medical insurance should also cover injuries sustained in an accident. Does Home Insurance Cover Bicycle Accidents in North Carolina? Renters’ or homeowner's insurance may cover certain types of bicycle accidents. If your bicycle is of a certain value and is included on your home insurance…
Read MoreBiking accidents can result in severe head and brain injuries that may impair a bicycle accident victim for years to come. In severe head injury cases, bicycle accident victims may wind up permanently disabled. Bike accidents that result in serious head injuries can be especially tragic, as a car driver's negligence frequently causes them. If you or someone you love has suffered injuries in a bike accident, don't hesitate to contact the experienced bike accident attorneys at Tatum & Atkinson, 'the Heavy Hitters, ' by calling us at (800) 529-0804 or contacting us online. An experienced bicycle accident lawyer can…
Read MoreBike accidents can occur in many different ways. One accident may be caused by a vehicle striking a rider while making a left-hand turn, and another may arise from someone pulling out of a driveway without looking behind them. However, in many cases, no matter the cause, bicycle accidents caused by vehicles often result in serious injuries to the cyclist. If you have been injured in a bike accident involving a car, you may be facing hefty medical expenses, overwhelmed, and stressed. The havoc that a bicycle accident injury can cause can feel defeating. Lost wages, medical expenses, and/or a…
Read MoreEveryone should feel secure when using a bike for transportation or enjoyment, but collisions with other vehicles do occur occasionally. Being unprotected by airbags, seatbelts, or the steel frame of a larger vehicle, the bicycle rider suffers the most severe injuries in these collisions, which is unfortunate. Before brushing off any injuries sustained in a bicycle accident, getting legal counsel from an accomplished bicycle accident lawyer is a good idea. They can go through the specifics of your injuries and outline your available legal options. Bike Accident Lawsuit You may file a lawsuit against the individual who hit you and…
Read MoreBicycles are regarded by law as "vehicles," much like cars and trucks. Therefore, the ability to ride on roadways comes with the responsibility to comply with traffic laws. Bicyclists should never ride carelessly or disregard traffic restrictions, but vehicle drivers should always yield to them. Although many people may believe that the bicyclist always has the right of way, this is not always the case. Determining fault in an accident involving a car and a bicycle can be tricky and may depend on multiple factors. Who's at Fault in a Bike and Car Accident? In a collision between an automobile…
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