What Is the Best Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury?

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Everyone’s brain is unique, and so is their brain injury. Victims of traumatic brain injuries will have an entire team of medical professionals working to develop a treatment plan for their individual needs.

Patients with mild traumatic brain injuries may only need a short rest from strenuous activities such as work, school, and sports. Even with minimal treatment, their symptoms should improve within only a few weeks.

On the other hand, patients with severe traumatic brain injuries often need hospitalization and intense rehabilitation treatments. Their recovery process could take years, and some symptoms may be permanent.

A woman in a hospital gown lying down and about to enter a CT scanner.

Treatments for traumatic brain injuries vary widely, but most patients will receive some form of the following during their recovery process:

  • Counseling for emotional support. Traumatic brain injuries are terrifying and stressful. Patients worry about their recoveries and what the rest of their lives will be like. They may experience difficulty returning to work, school, or their other daily activities and feel frustrated with their progress. Counseling can help keep things in perspective and is often used alongside other medical treatments.
  • Surgery. Intracranial hemorrhage, or bleeding in the brain, often requires surgical repair. Brain swelling may also require surgery to relieve pressure within the skull.
  • Rehabilitation. Patients often benefit from occupational, physical, and speech therapy, depending on their needs.
  • Rest. Everyone who has experienced a head injury will benefit from rest. Rest is not the same as sleeping. It means taking a break from strenuous physical and mental activities. Patients should also avoid stress during this time. A doctor will advise the patient on how long their rest period should be depending on the type and severity of brain injury. Some patients will only need a day or two, while most severe cases will require more time before returning to normal activities.
  • Return to typical activities. People with mild brain injuries actually benefit from returning to their normal routines. Resting too long can make the return more difficult. Typical activities include school, work, hobbies, and socializing. Patients should follow their doctor’s advice on when to return to these activities. Returning too soon can exacerbate symptoms in patients with more severe injuries.

All traumatic brain injury treatments have the goal of reducing their symptoms and improving their quality of life. Some symptoms will subside after a short time, while others may linger for years, especially with severe brain injuries.

Is There Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury?

There are multiple treatment options used for patients with traumatic brain injuries. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and cognitive therapy are all commonly prescribed for recovery treatments and are grouped into the patient’s rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation focuses on helping with the recovery from the many symptoms that accompany traumatic brain injuries. It also helps with the following:

  • Treatment of the mental and physical problems from the brain injury
  • Improves the patient’s ability to function as independently as possible both at home and at work or school
  • Aid in the patient’s adaptation to changes that arise during recovery
  • Provide emotional and social support through support groups, mentorships, and comradery

Rehabilitation is an important component of the recovery process and helps prevent dangerous complications of traumatic brain injuries such as:

  • Pain
  • Blood Clots
  • Pressure Ulcers or Bed Sores
  • Drops in Blood Pressure Upon Movement
  • Bladder and Bowel Problems
  • Breathing Problems and Pneumonia
  • Muscle Spasms and Weakness
  • Reproductive Problems

Are There Any Negative Side Effects From Rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation itself will not cause any harm or new problems. However, certain parts of some treatment plans, occupational or physical therapies, for example, carry the risk of potentially causing new injuries or exacerbating existing injuries and symptoms if not performed correctly, according to Hopkins Medicine.

Working closely with licensed medical professionals is of the utmost importance to avoid injuries or other problems. Always discuss problems and be open about any concerns you may have with your providers before you begin.

After a traumatic brain injury, everyone’s needs and abilities are different.

Your rehabilitation team will work together to create a unique treatment plan for your specific needs and will consist of multiple specialists from different fields. There should be a case coordinator that you can talk to as your one central person who will communicate with your team.

Your treatment plan will change over time to adapt to your changing needs and abilities. Your rehabilitation may take place in multiple locations depending on your location, needs, and insurance policies.

Some rehab facilities have everything in one large location, while others only have one or two specialties in each location. You and your family will discuss with your case coordinator which type of facility will work best for your needs.

Possible facility types include:

  • A comprehensive day program
  • Inpatient rehab hospital
  • Outpatient rehab hospital
  • An independent living center
  • Home-based rehab

Your unique treatment plan may include any or all of these treatments:

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Physical medicine
  • Psychiatric care
  • Psychological care
  • Social support

Your rehabilitation team will work together to determine your individualized treatment plan. There are many potential options, so they will make a full assessment of your needs and abilities in order to create your plan for recovery.

This assessment will consist of the following:

  • Speech ability
  • Swallowing ability
  • Strength and coordination
  • Mental and behavioral state
  • Ability to understand language
  • Bowel and bladder control
  • Social support needs

What Happens After Rehabilitation Is Completed?

The length of your rehabilitation is dependent on the severity of your injury and symptoms. How well you respond to your treatment program also determines how long your rehabilitation treatment will last and how much follow-up care you will require.

Some people need care for the rest of their lives, while others make a full recovery and return to the same level of ability as before their brain injury.

Sometimes, symptoms of traumatic brain injury manifest themselves years after the injury occurred. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, some brain injury survivors are at higher risk of brain diseases such as:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Dementia

When your rehabilitation treatment has been completed, you will be given specific instructions that should include:

  • Symptoms and signs that are to be expected
  • Symptoms and signs that should cause you to call your healthcare provider
  • Advice on safety and self-care
  • Community support resources available to you
  • Advice on alcohol and drug use

Be sure that your primary healthcare provider receives all your medical records and recommendations from your rehabilitation team. This way, they will be able to ensure you continue to receive the care you need.

Contact the Heavy Hitters to Handle Your Case for Compensation

Traumatic brain injuries cause some of the most devastating injuries imaginable. Many people experience long-term symptoms and lose their ability to control their emotions and behaviors.

Victims and their families often feel overwhelmed, isolated, stressed, frustrated, and confused about what to do next to be able to continue with their lives. Personal injury attorneys help by ensuring victims receive full compensation for their injuries, so they can receive the treatment, medication, and care that they need.

By hiring Tatum & Atkinson: The Heavy Hitters, you will have a lawyer who is fully invested in your case. They will ensure a full investigation into the accident that caused your injury. They will collect evidence to prove negligence and build a strong case using medical evaluations, police reports, and witness statements.

The lawyers at Tatum & Atkinson are experienced and will help you determine an accurate assessment of the damages you have suffered.

Traumatic brain injuries affect every aspect of your life, including your finances. Rehabilitation is expensive, and you should not have to worry about being able to afford your treatment, medications, special equipment, or other care that you need as a result of someone else’s negligent actions.

Our lawyers will make sure your compensation is enough to cover everything you need.

You should not have to fight for what you are legally entitled to receive, especially while you are in recovery. Tatum & Atkinson are aggressive and will not stop fighting on your behalf until you recover everything that is rightfully yours.

For a free consultation about your case, call (800) LAW-0804 today to get your process started.