What if the Truck Driver Who Hit Me Has a Bad Driving History?

Home / FAQ / Truck Accident FAQ / What if the Truck Driver Who Hit Me Has a Bad Driving History?

Trucking accidents can be disastrous, resulting in severe injuries and losses for all parties involved. The likelihood of an accident increases dramatically when the truck driver has a poor driving record, such as repeatedly violating traffic laws or driving under the influence. These factors contribute greatly to accidents on the road.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) keeps track of commercial drivers and their safety records in a database. The drivers’ and their employers’ safety records can be checked using this database, called the Safety Measurement System (SMS).

If you get hurt in a truck accident due to a reckless driver, you might be eligible for compensation. Our lawyers at Tatum & Atkinson, PLLC can assist you in getting the rightful compensation.

What Are The Steps I Should Take?

  • Hire An Experienced Attorney. Choose a lawyer who has handled trucking accident cases in the past and is familiar with the rules and laws that apply to this field. An attorney can guide you through the legal procedure, gather evidence, bargain with insurance providers, and, if necessary, represent you in court. They can assist you in choosing the right course of action for your situation.
    An experienced attorney will gather evidence such as photos and videos, eyewitness accounts, and contact details of all people involved, especially the truck driver and their employer. All of these can be used to determine responsibility and damages.
  • An Experienced Attorney will Call The Police And Do a Thorough Investigation. In every accident involving a truck driver, the first step is to call the police and seek an accident report. This report will contain critical information regarding the accident, such as who was at blame and whether or not the driver had a history of traffic violations or accidents. The report is useful evidence in your case.
  • Do Not Admit Fault Or Sign Any Documents. It is critical not to acknowledge guilt or sign any paperwork before speaking with an attorney. Your case may suffer if you admit blame or sign away your rights. Before making any remarks or signing any documents, seek the advice of an attorney.
  • Seek Medical Attention And Document All Injuries. Get medical help right away and document all injuries sustained in the accident. This will help prove the extent of your injuries and establish the necessary medical treatment required. Be sure to keep all medical bills and receipts related to your treatment.
  • Be Honest And Cooperative With Your Attorney. Give your lawyer all the important details about the accident and work with them in a straightforward and cooperative manner. This will provide them the opportunity to develop a compelling argument on your behalf. Throughout the legal process, pay attention to your attorney’s recommendations and follow their directives.
  • Act Quickly. After an accident, it’s vital to take action  immediately because there can be deadlines for submitting a claim or lawsuit. Seek legal advice ASAP to safeguard your rights and improve your prospects of receiving just compensation.

In North Carolina there is specific case law regarding bad driving records for commercial drivers.  It is important that you and your attorney know if the truck driver has a bad driving record, a criminal record or been involved in other car accidents.

Maximize Your Chances Of Winning

If you or a loved one has been severely injured, don’t delay – call (800) 529-0804 right now for a free consultation with an expert personal injury lawyer. When dealing with a stressful situation, you need a knowledgeable team to guide you through the recovery process. Contact Tatum & Atkinson, PLLC right away! There is no obligation, and it will not cost you anything to learn about your legal possibilities for pursuing compensation.