Brain Injury FAQ

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What Are the Three Types of TBI?

When it comes to traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, they are generally classified as either a concussion, brain contusion, or penetrating brain injury. A traumatic brain injury can result from various types of head trauma, from a simple blow to the head to penetrative damage to the brain. Accidents involving cars and trucks can result in various serious injuries, with TBIs being the most common. Brain injuries can result in a range of  distressing symptoms, including impairments in cognitive function, physical pain, and an inability to control one's emotions. Yet, traumatic brain injuries vary from patient to patient. Neurologists and…

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What Does Trauma Do to the Brain?

The regions of the brain that control emotional regulation, fear and stress responses, and executive functions can be affected by trauma. Trauma increases the likelihood of development of emotional, behavioral, and mental health problems, especially when it occurs in childhood. Thankfully, with the guidance and support of a trauma-informed therapist, the effects of trauma on the brain are reversible. Can Emotional Trauma Cause Brain Damage? According to the Highland Springs Clinic, emotional trauma and PTSD both cause brain and physical damage. Neuropathologists have seen overlapping effects of physical and emotional trauma upon the brain. We see through this overlap that…

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Why Is It Important To Hire A Local North Carolina Lawyer For Brain Injury Accidents?

Brain injuries, arising from a variety of factors including accidents and instances of negligence, represent intricate and life-changing events that demand the expertise of legal professionals. Whether stemming from accidents, falls, medical procedures or other traumatic incidents, brain injuries underscore the delicate balance of our cognitive and physical faculties. On an annual basis, a substantial number of individuals residing in North Carolina and across the United States grapple with the consequences of traumatic brain injuries. It's crucial to understand that choosing the right lawyer can greatly affect how your case turns out. Causes Of Brain Injuries Brain injury accidents refer…

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What Is A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?

Concussions, also known as mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI), are frequently brought on by blows, bumps or jolts to the head. In fact, any impact to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth can cause concussions. The brain may bounce or twist inside the skull as a result of this abrupt movement, straining and harming brain cells. These concussions are typically not life-threatening so medical professionals may refer to them as "mild" traumatic brain injuries. However, all brain injuries should be addressed carefully. While often described as “seeing stars,” an mBTI is nevertheless…

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Can You Recover From Brain Damage?

Following a brain injury, many bereaved families wonder, “Is recovery from brain damage possible?” Recovery from brain damage is possible. However, recovery is contingent on many factors. The severity of the injury, age, past functional levels, and the advent of subsequent problems are all factors that affect a person's recovery prospects following a traumatic brain injury. The uniqueness of each brain injury makes it difficult to forecast a person's prospects of recovery. Thankfully, there is always a potential for recovery, even in the most severe brain injury cases. How Can a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Help Me? A traumatic brain…

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Primary vs. Secondary Brain Injury

A primary brain injury occurs when an object strikes the head, penetrates the skull, or causes another kind of traumatic brain injury. The primary brain injury happens the instant the brain is injured, whether from a vehicle accident, fall, ski accident, gunshot, or any other form of accident. But what is a secondary brain injury? Any brain damage or traumatic brain injury symptoms that present subsequently following the accident's recovery are referred to as a "secondary brain injury." Brain Injuries Are Complex A brain injury is a complex, full-spectrum medical condition. But what is a primary injury vs. a secondary…

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What Type of Brain Injury Causes Memory Loss?

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) frequently results in memory loss. High-impact pressures applied to the brain during vehicle accidents, violent assaults, slips and falls, explosive bursts, sports injuries, and other accidents cause brain injuries. This harm affects cognitive functions and thinking while interfering with the brain's proper functioning. What Does a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Do? Find out more about how injury to the brain affects memory loss, the signs to watch out for, the recoverable damages you might receive in a lawsuit, and how a lawyer can assist below. When you find yourself in a position you never thought you…

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What Does MTBI Stand For?

MTBI stands for "mild traumatic brain injury." Concussion, another term for mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), is the most typical kind of TBI. A concussion is a clinical condition that is characterized by an instantaneous and temporary change in brain function. The causes of concussions may include direct head trauma from falls, sports contact, accidents, or other direct hits to the brain. Injuries like whiplash or blasts can also result in the head experiencing fast acceleration and deceleration, leading to a concussion. Mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBIs) can alter brain function, resulting in headaches, exhaustion, confusion, and irritation. If you…

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What Is Shear Injury?

Shear injury is a traumatic brain injury that results when white matter and white matter connections are damaged by acceleration-deceleration, rotational acceleration, or other modes of force. Neuronal axons are distorted from a biomechanical and often a physiological perspective. These white matter disconnections may lead to axonal damage and cell death. Lower motor coordination, a slowdown in cognitive processing speed, problems with language function, and problems with higher-level executive skills are all potential functional effects of these injuries. What Is a Shear Injury? Traumatic brain injury is a well-known term, although its lasting effects are not commonly understood. Traumatic brain…

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Is Brain Damage Irreversible?

The damage to the brain after a traumatic brain injury is often considered irreversible since injured brain cells cannot regenerate or repair themselves. However, there is hope for functional recovery as remaining healthy brain cells might reorganize and enhance TBI-affected processes through neuroplasticity Types of Brain Damage Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when external physical impact harms the brain. It is one of the leading causes of mortality and disability in adults. Traumatic brain injury is a general term that encompasses a wide range of brain ailments. The brain damage may be localized (restricted to a single…

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What Causes Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are often caused by car accidents or falls. Still, they can also result from other events, such as a gun injury or other personal injury accidents. Concussions are the most common type of TBI.  After taking a severe blow to the head, your brain may hit your skull, leading to brain damage. TBIs vary widely in severity and may recover within a few days or lead to permanent brain damage or death in severe cases. Who Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Affect? Any individual can suffer from a TBI at any age, from infancy through adulthood. However,…

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What Is TBI Protocol?

A traumatic brain injury protocol is the in-depth analysis and information provided to patients on different aspects of a TBI, which can include: the introduction to TBI, patient care parameters and management, and nursing and neurosurgery care. Traumatic brain injuries can vary greatly in severity and associated implications. These brain injuries affect the brain's activity and can be short-lasting or long-lasting depending on different areas of injury. Traumatic brain injury is a major cause of death in the USA and affects many lives. People 75 years of age and older had the highest number of deaths and hospitalizations due to…

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What Is Breacher Syndrome?

Breacher syndrome is best defined as the long-lasting effect of repetitive TBIs (traumatic brain injuries). It is found most commonly in those who undergo frequent exposure to explosions, such as military personnel. We understand more about its psychological and physical toll, as researchers are spending time and resources to study breacher syndrome and its effects now more than ever.  Breachers are skilled individuals who regularly work with explosives. These people primarily work in the army or security and are susceptible to many explosions throughout their working years. Currently, there are numerous hypotheses and theories surrounding the potential long-term effects of…

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Does Traumatic Brain Injury Qualify for Disability?

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, may result from various unfortunate events; a few probable causes include falling, vehicle accidents, sports injuries, being involved in a workplace accident, suffering a gunshot wound, or even mistakes made by medical personnel. A TBI may result in long-term damage and possibly render a person unable to work, depending on how serious the injury was. A TBI can cause physical and cognitive impairments that require intensive rehabilitation treatment. Unfortunately, intensive rehabilitative treatment does not guarantee a complete recovery is made. If you've had a TBI, your condition can make it difficult for you to…

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How Does Traumatic Brain Injury Affect Your Behavior?

Traumatic brain injuries affect everyone differently, but researchers have found that the location of the injury is the main determining factor in how these injuries affect behavior and emotions. For example, the frontal lobe is responsible for impulse control and personality, according to Healthline. Someone with damage to this area may experience difficulty with their self-control. They may become uncontrollably aggressive or happy in inappropriate situations or even say things that are offensive without realizing how others may receive their message. Other times, some people become muted and no longer display their emotions.   Common Side Effects of Traumatic Brain…

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What Types of Brain Injuries Can Be Caused by a Car Accident?

In any car accident, if your vehicle has been damaged in any way, it's likely that your body has sustained some damage as well. Even though some cuts and bruises may go away by themselves over time, other, more severe injuries can occur. A brain injury is one kind of automobile accident injury that requires prompt medical care. No matter how you feel after a collision, getting checked out by a reputable medical professional is crucial because a brain injury can be challenging to diagnose. Although it may take some time for symptoms of a brain injury to appear, you…

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How Does a Spinal Cord Injury Affect the Brain?

One of the most catastrophic injuries that can be sustained by a human being is damage to the spinal cord. There is a possibility that these kinds of injuries will have long-term repercussions and problems that will fundamentally alter your life. Some injuries to the spinal cord are so debilitating that the victim is unable to return to their previous line of employment or to the hobbies that they formerly enjoyed. Even simple chores may become too difficult for you to complete, and as a result, you may find that you need to employ someone to look after both you…

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What Compensation Is Available to Spinal Cord Injury Victims in North Carolina?

Few people understand the devastating effects of a spinal cord injury until they suffer from one. Because they are so severe, spinal cord injuries frequently have a significant adverse impact on the spinal cord injury victims' lives. Accident injury victims who have endured suffering because another party failed to provide adequate care for them shouldn't have to deal with the financial hardships that come with severe injuries on their own. If someone else's negligence caused your spinal cord injury, you may be able to submit a claim for compensation for your losses and injuries. A spinal cord injury lawsuit is…

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Is a Concussion a Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) refers to any damage that impairs brain function. Even though some individuals might believe that a concussion is not severe, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classify it as a type of traumatic brain injury.  Even if a head injury is not life-threatening, the repercussions might have long-lasting effects on accident victims. A quick impact, such as from a car accident, a fall, or a blow to the head, may cause the brain to bump up against the skull, resulting in a TBI. A severe shaking of the brain inside the skull will lead…

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What Are Common Head Injuries After a Car Accident?

When involved in a car accident, it is not uncommon for victims to sustain head injuries, also commonly referred to as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were approximately 223,135 TBI-related hospitalizations in 2019 and 64,362 TBI-related deaths in 2020. TBIs can range in severity from being relatively mild to quite severe, and even potentially fatal. TBIs may be challenging to identify without medical assistance. This is why it is imperative that you receive medical help as soon as you can following a car accident, even if you feel fine. Some car…

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