What Type of Brain Injury Causes Memory Loss?

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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) frequently results in memory loss. High-impact pressures applied to the brain during vehicle accidents, violent assaults, slips and falls, explosive bursts, sports injuries, and other accidents cause brain injuries. This harm affects cognitive functions and thinking while interfering with the brain’s proper functioning.

What Does a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Do?

Find out more about how injury to the brain affects memory loss, the signs to watch out for, the recoverable damages you might receive in a lawsuit, and how a lawyer can assist below. When you find yourself in a position you never thought you would be in, and you or a family member has experienced a head injury or brain damage, your freedom, health, and way of life may all be in jeopardy. It’s crucial how you go through this critical moment of your life. One of the most significant choices you will ever make is who will lead and safeguard you through this difficult period to ensure that you come out the other side with the financial compensation you require.

We want you to give us a chance to gain your confidence while allowing you to make that decision safely. With the assistance of a knowledgeable North Carolina traumatic brain injury attorney at Tatum & Atkinson, “the Heavy Hitters,” you may take action to hold the at-fault party accountable. You may learn more about the claims procedure, the value of your traumatic brain injury claim, and the steps you can take to obtain justice when you contact us for a free consultation.

Memory Loss and Brain Injury

Before answering the question ‘What type of brain injury causes memory loss? Let’s first discuss ‘what is memory loss?’. Memory loss can be described as infrequent forgetfulness. When one suffers from memory loss they may not be able to remember recent events, specific recollections from the past, or possibly both. The loss in memory might only last a short while before clearing up (transient). Alternatively, it could persist and, based on the underlying reason, might worsen with time. Serious traumatic brain injury may result in the loss of memory in many individuals. Traumatic brain injury often damages memory, and in some cases the injured party may never be able to retrieve lost memories. In addition, traumatic brain injury survivors may struggle to learn and remember new knowledge and may face a great deal of confusion in their daily lives. The victim’s level of awareness loss, how long it lasts, and the severity of additional symptoms go into the diagnosis. Other brain injuries include primary (when symptoms show up right away) and secondary (when symptoms take hours or days to present).

Which Memory Types Are Affected By TBI?

Traumatic brain injuries frequently impair short-term memory, causing patients to lose track of the circumstances that led to or followed the injury. Short-term memory problems make it difficult for people to recall recent events as they happen in their everyday lives. Such patients may forget critical conversational information, become disoriented when driving, lose track of time, misplace objects like vehicle keys, etc. Traumatic brain injury negatively impacts long-term memory, which can progress from a mild case to a moderate or severe one.

What Signs Point To A Brain Injury?

Depending on the type of TBI, there are different signs of brain damage. However, all brain injuries result in long-term, severe cognitive impairments.

The following are the long-term effects of declining cognitive ability:

  • Inadequate focus
  • Unplanned ideas
  • Failure to finish duties
  • Inadequate judgment

The severity and duration of the generalized symptoms are the only things that change in traumatic brain injuries. The symptoms of moderate and severe TBIs are similar to those of mild TBIs but have a longer duration and more serious effects. Four categories of symptoms are listed below:


Cognitive symptoms include:

  • Temporary forgetfulness
  • Disorientation
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Disturbed sleeping habits


Physical symptoms include:

  •  Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Issues with speech
  • Fatigue


Sensory symptoms include:

  • Fuzzy vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Unpleasant aftertaste
  • Tinnitus
  • Unstable hand-eye coordination
  • Skin tingling
  • Issues with balance


Behavior symptoms might include:

  •  Losing one’s temper
  • Taking risks

When Should Someone With A Brain Injury Seek Medical Attention?

Brain injuries can be serious and potentially life-threatening. It is essential to seek medical attention immediately if someone experiences a head injury, regardless of how mild or severe it may seem. Seeking prompt medical attention can help prevent further damage and improve the chances of a full recovery.

How Should Brain Injuries Be Managed?

As was already indicated, there is a chance that mild TBIs might progress to moderate or severe cases. Patients suffer in several ways when this occurs, and the symptoms may persist for months or years. Brain injury victims require specialist treatment to assist them in managing their symptoms and prevent physical problems, including seizures, blood vessel damage, and vertigo.

An extensive medical examination is the first step in the procedure to rule out other illnesses whose symptoms resemble brain damage. TBIs are classified by doctors according to the following steps:

  1. Analyzing the circumstances surrounding the brain injury
  2. Assessing the degree of complexity and awareness
  3. Evaluating brain function markers, such as memory, vision, walking, motor skills, hearing, etc.
  4. Completing CT and MRI scans

These evaluations and treatments are pricey, and brain surgery and prolonged hospital stays may be required. Depending on the patient’s prognosis, they could also need long-term therapy. To prevent debilitating medical debt, our qualified brain injury attorney can assist you in pursuing compensation for these damages.

What Memory Loss Means For A Case Of Traumatic Brain Injury?

If memories never return, you might not remember what you were doing before the accident, how the accident harmed you, etc. You won’t be able to explain what happened to the police authorities when they reach the scene or to a jury later on when you file a personal injury claim. It is, therefore, imperative that you get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible. Even if you can’t recall what happened, an attorney can look into the accident to determine who is responsible for your losses and build a case on your behalf.

A lawyer must pinpoint what happened and explain it to a jury or insurance adjuster. We may do this through the following forms of evidence:

  • Reconstruction of accidents
  • Expert opinion
  • Health documents about your injury
  • Report from the police regarding the accident
  • Photographic and video evidence
  • Witness accounts from onlookers who witnessed the collision

When you cannot recall the events, it is even more crucial to record every detail of your injuries and build a solid paper trail to support your claim. This proof improves your chances of receiving compensation for missed wages, medical expenses, and possible future expenditures like physical or occupational therapy.

The lives of traumatic brain injury sufferers frequently undergo significant upheaval, and memory problems may begin even before the inability to recall the accident. Following the accident, additional short-term memory loss might seriously hinder your rehabilitation. A TBI-related cognitive and memory impairment may make it difficult to hold a job, comply with your doctor’s recommendations, and fulfill deadlines under the law. To deal with these issues, you should select a lawyer and create a solid network of relatives and friends who can help you preserve documentation, ensure you show up for appointments, and assist you with completing other tasks.

Tatum & Atkinson Are Here To Help With Your Memory Loss Case

Serious accident victims have irreparable losses that affect practically all facets of their lives, including their capacity to support others, engage in meaningful activities, engage in recreation, be pain-free, and take pleasure in the routine interactions and activities we take for granted every day. Medical debt, missed wages, loss of companionship, and the complete upheaval of one’s everyday life are additional consequences of severe head and brain injuries.

The injured party and their family are juggling all this while attempting to deal with unhelpful insurance companies and their adjusters, whose duty it is to convince the individual to waive their rights and take less money than they are due. Beyond that, there is a genuine reluctance to file a lawsuit since most hardworking individuals never think they will need to. You must seek the help of a legal advocate you can rely on when so much harm has been caused.

We’ve been defending people and their families at their worst moments for many years. We’ve aided families that had suffered severe losses. Do not be afraid to contact Tatum & Atkinson, “the Heavy Hitters,” a renowned traumatic brain injury law firm in North Carolina, for a no-obligation consultation. To schedule a private case review as soon as possible, call (800) 529-0804 or send us a message online. Let us fight for your family and for you. If you don’t get compensated, you owe us nothing.