What Happens When I Am In A Wreck With A Lyft Driver In North Carolina?

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Getting hurt and having your car damaged after an accident can be really tough. It can make you feel not just physically and emotionally hurt, but also stressed about money. If you were in a car wreck while you were using Lyft or if a Lyft car hit you in North Carolina, you might be wondering what you can do legally to help yourself.

Figuring out who is responsible for accidents involving Lyft drivers can be quite complicated. It depends on different things like whether the driver was working, what stage of the ride they were in, and who caused the accident. In addition, Lyft’s insurance changes based on the driver status when the accident happened.

  • The App Is Offline. Your personal auto insurance coverage applies.
  • The App Is On And Waiting For A Request. Lyft’s third-party liability insurance covers injuries to people and damage to property caused by the accident. They must provide limits of $50/100 for bodily injury (up to $50,000 for each person’s injuries, $100,000 in total for injuries from the entire accident), and up to $25,000 for any property that got damaged in the accident.
  • The App Is On And The Driver Is On The Way To Pick Up The Passenger Or During Rides. Lyft has the following insurance in case there’s an accident they cover: 1) at least $1,000,000 if there’s damage to other people’s properties or if there are injuries, 2) first party coverage including uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, MedPay, etc, and 3) if a driver gets extra insurance for their own car that covers all sorts of damage, Lyft also has insurance that covers damage to the driver’s car, but they’ll take out $2,500 before helping.

Reporting The Accident Through Their Website

Make sure the accident is reported through their official website. During this process, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive set of details to ensure that the incident is accurately documented and understood.

  • General Information. You’ll be asked to give your basic details right from the beginning. This typically includes your full name, contact details, and possibly your Lyft account information if applicable. This helps establish your identity and connection to the incident.
  • Accident Details. Delving into the specifics of the accident itself, you’ll be asked to provide a clear and concise account of what transpired. This should include the date, time, and location of the accident. Additionally, offer a brief description of how the accident happened, such as the sequence of events or any contributing factors.
  • Vehicle Information. Offer a detailed account of the vehicles involved in the accident. This entails providing information about your own vehicle, such as its make, model, and license plate number. If possible, include similar details about the Lyft vehicle, as well as any other vehicles involved in the incident.
  • Driver Details. In this section, you’ll need to provide information about the Lyft driver who was involved in the accident. This includes their name, driver’s license number, and any relevant contact information. This helps establish the identity of the driver and their connection to the incident.
  • Rider Information. If there were any passengers in either your vehicle or the Lyft vehicle, provide basic details about them as well. This might include their names and any contact information you might have. While their involvement might not be directly related to the cause of the accident, having them present could be really helpful in understanding what happened.
  • Other Parties Involved. If there were other parties not directly associated with Lyft involved in the accident, include their information too. This might include drivers or pedestrians who were affected by the incident. Accurate details about these parties can contribute to a more complete understanding of the accident.

Can You Sue Lyft?

Taking legal action against Lyft for injuries and damages usually depends on showing that someone was careless and figuring out who’s responsible.

  • The Driver Was Negligent. If the Lyft driver did something wrong while they were giving someone a ride and that led to the wreck, Lyft’s special insurance for when they’re working should pay for your injuries and damages. You might not have to sue Lyft directly because their insurance should give you money to make things right.
  • Someone Else Caused The Accident. If the accident happened because of another driver’s mistakes, you’d usually ask that driver’s insurance to help you. This is similar to what you do in any regular car accident.
  • When Insurance Doesn’t Cover Everything. Sometimes, Lyft’s insurance might not give you enough money to cover everything, like if your bills are more than what the insurance will pay. If the Lyft driver’s personal insurance can’t pay the extra, you might think about taking legal action against Lyft to get more money.

The Importance Of Legal Representation After A Lyft Accident

Getting into a car accident with a Lyft driver can make things really confusing and might cause arguments. That’s why it’s crucial to have a lawyer with you in this situation.

  • Figuring Out Who’s Responsible. Deciding who’s to blame for the accident can be really tricky. It depends on whether the driver was working (like driving a passenger) or not, and also what kind of insurance they have. A lawyer who knows the rules can look at all this and make sure the right person takes responsibility.
  • Dealing With Insurance Companies. Insurance companies usually try to give you less than you deserve. But if you have a lawyer who’s good at dealing with these companies, they can make sure you get all the money you need to fix your car, pay for your medical bills, and even cover the money you lost because you couldn’t work.
  • Understanding Lyft’s Rules. Lyft has different rules about insurance at different times. It can get pretty confusing. A lawyer who’s an expert in accidents with ride-sharing companies like Lyft can help you understand these rules. They’ll make sure you get the right amount of money based on what happened.
  • Getting A Good Deal. Lawyers familiar with ride-sharing wrecks are good at navigating the claims process. They can talk with the other side’s people and get them to give you a better deal than you might get if you talk to them on your own.
  • Keeping Your Rights Safe. Having a lawyer makes sure nobody messes with your rights. They have a good understanding of the laws and can stop anything from happening that might take away what you deserve.

Facing The Aftermath Of A Lyft Accident? Contact The Heavy Hitters For Assistance!

If you or a loved one has been severely injured, don’t delay – call (800) 529-0804 right now for a free consultation with an expert car accident lawyer. When dealing with a stressful situation, you need a knowledgeable personal injury team to guide you through the recovery process. Contact Tatum & Atkinson, PLLC right away! There is no obligation, and it will not cost you anything to learn about your legal possibilities for pursuing compensation.