Motorcycle Accident FAQ

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What Percentage of Motorcycle Accidents Are Fatal?

Although there is only a tiny percentage of motorcycles out on the road compared to other vehicles, motorcycles make up a large percentage of fatal accidents. In addition, motorcycles are inherently more dangerous than other vehicles, as they offer little bodily protection, leaving many motorcycle accident injury victims with severe injuries, some of which may be permanent or fatal. Although all dangers inherent in motorcycle riding cannot be eliminated, risks may be reduced by practicing some simple safety practices. Have you or a loved one been involved in a motorcycle accident? Contact the experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at Tatum &…

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Why Do Motorcyclists Get Blamed For Accidents In North Carolina?

In North Carolina's vast landscapes, where scenic roads invite adventure, motorcyclists often face unfair blame for accidents. Despite the state's beautiful routes and thriving motorcycle culture, there's a noticeable bias against motorcyclists when accidents occur. Visibility And Perception Unjustly placing blame on motorcyclists in North Carolina is largely influenced by the visibility hurdles they encounter on the road. Motorcycles, being smaller and less noticeable than other vehicles, face a higher risk of being overlooked by drivers, leading to an increased likelihood of accidents. Unfortunately, when accidents happen, motorcyclists often unfairly bear the responsibility. Despite efforts to enhance safety, such as…

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Why Is It Important To Hire A Local North Carolina Lawyer For Motorcycle Accidents?

Riding motorcycles is popular with many people in North Carolina, from the mountains to the coast. This culture is important in motorcycle accident cases. Local North Carolina lawyers not only know the laws, but some also understand what it's like to ride motorcycles in the area. They've been to local bike gatherings, ridden on scenic roads, and enjoyed the coastal highways. Because they've experienced this themselves, they can relate to riders on a personal level. Local injury attorneys have also probably represented motorcycle riders before and have seen the effects a wreck can have on the rider. They understand how…

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What Happens In a Motorcycle Accident When You Lose a Leg?

In a motorcycle accident where you lose a leg, several things can happen. The leg can be severed between metal objects during the collision or in severe cases, it may require surgical amputation. This can completely turn your life upside down. The effects are not only physical, but also emotional and practical, and they can be incredibly difficult to deal with. You will go through a healing period, spending weeks in the hospital, and receiving rehabilitation and physical therapy to adapt to the loss of the leg and regain mobility. Prosthetic devices may be used to restore mobility and independence.…

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How Can A Motorcycle Wreck In NC Cause A Leg Amputation?

Motorcycle accidents cause serious injuries since riders don't have much protection. Without anything to shield them, they're more likely to get hurt. One of the worst things that can happen in a motorcycle crash is losing a leg. In North Carolina, like in other places, there have been a lot of these accidents, and the people who get hurt often have their lives changed forever. Impact and Force Motorcycle wrecks typically involve significant impact and force. When a motorcycle crashes into something, the rider's legs can get stuck or crushed, causing really bad breaks, dislocations or damage to the tissues.…

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How Can A Motorcycle Wreck In NC Cause An Arm Amputation?

Riding a motorcycle is a thrilling and exhilarating experience, but it's important to know that there are risks involved. Unfortunately, accidents can happen, and they can be really serious, sometimes causing life-changing injuries like losing an arm. In North Carolina, motorcycle accidents have the potential to cause really bad injuries that might lead to amputation. According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 2021 report, it was found that there were 3,613 motorcycle accidents, which is higher compared to the previous year's count of 3,306 accidents in 2020. What Happens in These Accidents? During a motorcycle accident, a person's…

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What’s Behind North Carolina’s Increasing Number of Motorcycle Wrecks?

North Carolina is a popular location for motorcycle enthusiasts due to its gorgeous landscapes and scenic highways. However, the thrill of riding comes with the risk of a motorcycle accident. Each year unfortunately, North Carolina experiences a significant number of motorcycle accidents, many of which end in severe injuries or fatalities. While these accidents can happen for a number of reasons, knowing what usually causes them along with taking additional safety measures can help both riders and drivers stay safe on the road. Motorcycle Wrecks In North Carolina That Have Resulted In Injuries And Fatalities Motorcycle wrecks in North Carolina…

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How Many Accidents Are Caused by Motorcycles?

It’s difficult to determine how many accidents are caused specifically by motorcycle riders because, most of the time, both drivers contribute to the crash. However, in 2020, motorcycle riders made up 14 percent of traffic accident fatalities in the US, despite motorcycles accounting for only 3 percent of vehicles on the road. Motorcycle accidents are about 28 times more likely to result in fatalities, and bike riders are four times more likely to be injured. Motorcycle accidents disproportionately injure motorcycle riders, regardless of who causes the accident. This statistic is because bikes lack safety features like seatbelts and airbags, and…

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Can I Sue After Motorcycle Accident?

Yes, but you must show that the accident was not your fault. It’s not enough to demonstrate that another party’s actions led to the crash - you must also prove that you had no responsibility whatsoever due to North Carolina’s pure contributory negligence laws. Pure contributory negligence is a legal concept that acknowledges more than one person can be at fault or contribute to an accident or injury. In some states, liability is determined by which party is mostly at fault (more than 50 percent). In others, each party is expected to pay for some of the damages based on…

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What Type of Insurance Covers Motorcycle Accidents?

Whether you ride your bike daily or only on occasion as a way to have fun, there is nothing quite like the feeling you get hitting the open road on your motorcycle. Whether you are a new or experienced rider, it is essential to ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage to protect yourself, your bike, and any potential passengers. Have you or a loved one been involved in a motorcycle accident? Contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Tatum & Atkinson, 'the Heavy Hitters,' to receive your free, no-obligation consultation by calling us at (800) 529-0804 or contacting us…

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Who is At Fault in North Carolina Motorcycle Accidents?

Determining liability in a motorcycle collision can be complex and requires comprehensive investigation. To legally be considered liable or at fault, a driver or a motorcycle rider must have behaved negligently, thereby failing to exercise reasonable care and caution. While police and insurance adjusters will investigate the accident to determine which parties were liable for the accident, personal injury firms working on behalf of an injured party may also conduct their own independent investigations to determine who is at fault in a collision. Personal injury attorneys are especially warranted in cases where fault is disputed or if multiple parties are…

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Is there Helmet Laws in North Carolina?

Motorcycle riding can quickly turn from a pleasant activity into a serious tragedy if you get hit by another vehicle. Motorcycle riders are in a particularly vulnerable position because of the lack of adequate protection that a car or an SUV offers. Seemingly insignificant mistakes of other drivers can cause severe injuries while you are riding a motorcycle. What Causes Motorcycle Accidents in North Carolina? Visibility is one of the biggest challenges faced by motorcyclists because of the comparatively small size of the bike. Here are a few common causes of motorcycle accidents in North Carolina: Left-turn accidents: These occur…

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Can Regular Maintenance on a Motorcycle Prevent Accidents?

Can regular maintenance on a motorcycle prevent accidents? Yes, it is accurate that regular maintenance on a motorcycle can aid in the prevention of accidents. While regularly maintaining your bike cannot prevent all accidents, it is a surefire way to avoid accidents caused by mechanical issues. If you have taken on the responsibility of owning a motorcycle, you must regularly maintain your bike. Many individuals may scoff at the notion of taking a bike in if nothing is wrong with it. Yet, regular motorcycle maintenance is the key to preventing significant issues down the line and ensuring that you remain…

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What Safety Gear Should You Wear on a Motorcycle?

Here at Tatum & Atkinson, 'the Heavy Hitters,' we have compiled a list of motorcycle protective gear essential for a safe riding experience. Many riders wonder what safety gear they should wear while on a motorcycle, especially if they are new to riding. Due to the fact that the risk of severe injury is significantly higher while riding a motorcycle and being involved in an accident than riding in a car or truck, it is imperative that you protect yourself by using the proper safety gear. Check out the recommended motorcycle gear below that you should consider to ensure that…

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How Long Does It Take To Heal From a Motorcycle Accident?

After being involved in a motorcycle accident, many riders may question, "How long does it take to heal from a motorcycle accident?" However, many factors will come into play regarding the time it will take for you to recuperate after being involved in a motorcycle collision. First, the severity and extent of your injuries and any remaining psychological effects from the accident will dictate how long it will be before you recover. The healing process may last longer than anticipated if there are lasting side effects or medical complications. Finally, underlying health conditions and lifestyles can affect how long the…

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Can a Motorcycle Accident Cause PTSD?

In many cases, a motorcycle accident injury victim can sustain severe injuries. These injuries may even become permanent or life-threatening.  But can a motorcycle accident cause PTSD? In short, yes. For many survivors, psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can accompany physical damages incurred after an accident. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is often a debilitating condition that can develop after trauma, such as being involved in a life-threatening event such as a motorcycle accident or becoming a motorcycle accident injury victim. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder may occur in anyone who has experienced or witnessed a traumatic…

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10 Most Common Motorcycle Injuries

Just about everyone is aware of the inherent danger that comes along with riding a motorcycle. As motorcycles are not enclosed vehicles like a regular passenger car, it is unsurprising that motorcycle collisions generally produce much more severe injuries than truck and car collisions. Even though motorcycle riders are around 29x more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than a passenger vehicle driver, the love of getting on the back of a bike and hitting the open road is enticing enough for over 8 million riders in the U.S. alone to continue to ride despite the involved risk.…

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What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

In the unfortunate event that you become involved in a motorcycle accident, a motorcycle accident attorney can help you throughout the process of filing lawsuits or negotiating for compensation. Additionally, if you are accused of being at fault for a motorcycle accident, an attorney can help assist you throughout the process of defending yourself. However, you may be wondering what you should do directly following a motorcycle crash. Below are some steps you should take immediately following a motorcycle collision. After Your Motorcycle Accident  1. Get to a Safe Place The first thing to do after getting into a crash…

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What Percentage of Motorcycle Riders Get in Accidents?

It is commonly known that riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, but what factors make this statement accurate, and in what ways may risk be reduced? When considering what percentage of motorcyclists are involved in an accident, it is essential to understand that the percentage is not as clear-cut as may be imagined. There are varying factors that go into motorcycle accident statistics, and a large number of motorcycle collisions may remain unreported. Read below to find out more regarding what factors may make a rider more likely to get into an accident, what percentage of motorcyclists become involved in…

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What Is The Most Common Type of Motorcycle Accident?

It is a well-known fact that driving a vehicle on the road poses some inherent risks. Sadly, despite taking all of the best precautions, you may still find yourself in an accident. An unintended accident may occur in bumper-to-bumper traffic or out on country roads. Certain precautions should be taken when driving, especially if you are driving a motorcycle. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents happen often and may change the lives of you and your loved ones instantly. Annually, more than five thousand individuals die from motorcycle accidents. When it comes to fatal crashes, deaths occur in motorcycle accidents nearly 28 times…

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What You Need to Know About North Carolina Wrongful Death Cases

It is hard to deal with the death of a family member even under the most benign circumstances. But death of a loved one that occurred as a result of negligence or carelessness of another can leave the grieving loved ones completely devastated. You should engage legal counsel as quickly as possible if you are dealing with the wrongful death of someone close to you because of another person’s fault. An experienced North Carolina wrongful death attorney will help you file a legal claim to preserve your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Legal Aspects of Wrongful Death…

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